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A little awk script to change encoding in parts of file.

March 24th, 2011 by lukav

We’re in the process of migrating our ancient CVS with the more modern GIT. However I stumbled in the following problem. We make the commits comment in Bulgarian language with windows-1251 encoding. Git uses utf8 although I’m not sure if it does this natively or the client determines the commends encoding. So I had to change all the commit comments from cp1251 to UTF8. I couldn’t  just change the hole file, because some of the files have already changed the encoding in the work process and I wanted to keep the history and current encoding intact.

One way was to use “cvs admin -m rev:comment” command which changes the comment for a given revision in CVS, but that would mean I have to write a script that goes over each file, get all the log, then tries to figure out each revision and comment and use the admin command. Further more it had to work with multi-row comments. Although it is possible it seamed to me too much trouble with many points of breaking the comments.

So I looked at the idea of modifying the RCV files directly. I needed a tool to figure out the parts in the RCV (that is ,v file) between the lines containing only “log” and “text” and change the encoding only for those part. It doesn’t seam complicated, but when I tried to use my favorite ‘sed’ it couldn’t call the external ‘iconv’ for just parts of the file. So I needed an alternative.

After googling around it turns out awk was the tool for the job. It has the ability of calling system() function that executed external program for certain line.

So here it is. A awk file that looks for /^log$/ and then start to execute iconv for each line until it finds /^text$/.

#!/usr/bin/awk -f

/^log$/ {
    flag = 1

flag == 1 {
    str = gsub(/"/,"\\\"")
    system("echo \""$0"\" | iconv -f cp1251 -t utf8")

flag != 1 {print}

/^text$/ {
 flag = 0

Of course the file can be easily modified for different tasks.
Enjoy it.

Posted in EN, Tech | No Comments »

#p2pvt WebTech 2010 Veliko Turnovo

April 26th, 2010 by lukav

Another year has passed and yet we all gathered together in Veliko Turnovo for P2P WebTech conference. I was very pleased with this year edition. The lectors ware great and the lectures ware very interesting and useful … well may be with one or two exceptions 🙂

We made some new friends from Mozilla and MariaDB (the new MySQL so to speak). We spend a good evening exploring the great opportunity of our beautiful country – cheep alcohol 😉 ending in a local pub with a great band: Jerihon you should check them out.

I should also give my spacial thanks for giving a way a brand new Laptop. They gave it away to ME 😀

Another interesting event was the DrumBeat competition. There ware 11 teams that had to propose an OpenSource Project idea in about 15 minutes. I was left out for the jury. I was very supprized that 6 or 7 of them had the same bases. If I should summarize the idea I would say “Self driven community knowledge educational program”. Obviously people realize that the current educational system suck and a very interesting and promising idea would be to implement the open community method (like wikepedia) to make better schoolbooks and test for the young generation. This certainly needs more investigation and tough.

Looking forward for the future whatever it may be …


Posted in EN, Soul, Tech | No Comments »

History Import Kopete To Pidgin

March 30th, 2008 by lukav

Since I’ve switch to Kubuntu I’ve been using Kopete as an Instant Messaging client. I’ve wanted to test Pidgin, but I didn’t want to lose my history again. Unfortunatelly I couldn’t find a tool to transfer my history from Kopete to Pidgin, so I’ve write a little script to do the job.

So here is it:


In order to use it you need to install xalan and then just run the script with your user.

The script was written for my Timezone, so it might be necessary to edit  history_import_kopete2pidgin_filename.xslt file and enter yours

Hope this is useful for someone

Posted in EN, Tech | 4 Comments »

HowTo install hpt374 raid driver in debian

February 22nd, 2008 by lukav

Over the year I had to compile and install several times hpt374 driver for the HighPoint IDE controller.

Although the hardware is very old and probably nobody use it anymore I decide to put down this howto, for anyone interested.

The last time we’ve upgraded debian to etch with kernel 2.6.18-6-686 so the instruction will assume this kernel version.

First install the kernel-headers package

apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.18-6-686

then download the driver in this case hpt374-opensource-v2.17-1114
extract to some folder, for example: /usr/src/hpt374-2.6.18-6-686/

compile the driver

make KERNELDIR=/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.18-6-686

you should now have hpt374.ko. Copy this file in the kernel modules directory

cp hpt374.ko /lib/modules/2.6.18-6-686/kernel/drivers/ide/pci/

We need to populate the modules dependencies

depmod -r 2.6.18-6-686

add hpt374 to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules if it is not already there

echo hpt374 >> /etc/initramfs-tools/modules

update the initrd image so the module gets loaded on system start up

update-initramfs -u -k 2.6.18-6-686

And thats it. You should now be able to reboot and use the new kernel with the raid

P.S. I’ve wrote this in a hurry, so I’ve may missed something.

Posted in EN, Tech | 1 Comment »

IE css float print problem

August 28th, 2007 by lukav

The latest discovery on IE problems was that when you use float divs and you decide to print, IE either ignore the floats or to be more precise, if you don’t explicitly specify width it just expands them to 100%.

There are some posts on the network, but all of them suggest to not use floats when printing. However this was no good for me, cause I arranged my forms with css and no tables. The solution to fix the width of floats was also no good, since I have different internationalization and some text differ in length.

So since I couldn’t find any css solution I had to make a simple JS hack.

In turns out IE has two useful events – onbeforeprint and onafterprint. So I just used those to go over all my floating elements and set the width before printing:

// We try to fix printing styles because IE is has problems
if (OAT.Browser.isIE) {
 OAT.Event.attach(window,"beforeprint",function() {
 	var elm = IB.PageContent.getElementsByTagName('div');
 	for (var i=0;i<elm.length;i++)
 		if (OAT.Dom.isClass(elm[i],'right') || OAT.Dom.isClass(elm[i],'left')) {
 			var size = OAT.Dom.getWH(elm[i]);
 			elm[i].style.width = size[0] + 'px';

The example uses the OAT library, but you can guess what it does.

This fix works fine with the little exception that the divs move a little before print, but I can live with this for now.

Posted in EN, OAT, Tech | 2 Comments »

Test a page in various browsers.

April 24th, 2007 by lukav

There is a very interesting service out there:

It makes a screenshot of a page with various browsers like: Dillo 0.8, Epiphany 2.14, Epiphany 2.16, Firebird 0.6, Firebird 0.7, Firefox 1.0, Firefox 1.5, Firefox 2.0, Firefox 3.0, Flock 0.7, Galeon 2.0, Iceweasel 2.0, Konqueror 3.5, Mozilla 1.0, Mozilla 1.1, Mozilla 1.2, Mozilla 1.3, Mozilla 1.4, Mozilla 1.5, Mozilla 1.6, Mozilla 1.7, Navigator 4.8, Opera 9.2, Opera 9.10, Phoenix 0.1, Phoenix 0.2, Phoenix 0.3, Phoenix 0.4, Phoenix 0.5, SeaMonkey 1.0, SeaMonkey 1.1, Windows MSIE 5.0, MSIE 5.5, MSIE 6.0, MSIE 7.0.

Great idea and a vary usefull one.

I’ve test it with my blog you can have a look here:

Posted in EN, Tech | No Comments »

Multiple IE on a single machine

April 24th, 2007 by lukav

Hi, I’ve been using a Virtual machine for some time now to test with IE6 (Microsoft Internet Explorer) and IE7. However this machine was taking valuable resources just to have IE6 running, which was very inefficient. So I’ve look for another solution and found it.

Thank you. THANK you vary VARY much. TredoSoft.

They made an installer that installs IE versions: 3.0, 4.01, 5.01, 5.5 and 6.0 (by the time of this writing) on a single PC as a standalone app.

So far it works like a charm.

Posted in EN, Tech | No Comments »

Firefox firebug and synchronos calls problem

April 12th, 2007 by lukav

For those of you that have discovered that when you have Firebug installed and are developing some synchronous XMLHttpRequest everything works, and when you disable it it stops: here is the problem.

Believe it or not it is a bug in Firefox NOT in Firebug. It turns out that Firefox doesn’t call onreadystatechange when the you set the 3 parameter (async) to false in open. Probably FF expects that when a call is synchronous the developer will process the result in the lines following the send call. May be this make sense, but if you want to quickly test async/sync calls or use a library that doesn’t take care of this, you be in trouble.

I can say for certain (I’ve committed the code myself) that the next release of OpenLink AJAX Toolkit won’t have this problem and will make no difference if you have Firebug or not.

I use the following to catch the situation where Firebug is not installed or is installed but disabled:

if (OAT.Browser.isGecko)
  try {
    if (!xhr.options.async && xhr.obj.onreadystatechange == null) {
  } catch (e) {
    if ((e.message && e.message == 'Permission denied to create wrapper for object of class UnnamedClass') ||
         e == 'Permission denied to create wrapper for object of class UnnamedClass')

OAT.Dom.isGecko() – return true if it mozilla and derivatives
OAT.AJAX.response – is the function that is normally called when the request finish.
xhr.options.async – is holding if the call is async or not
xhr.obj.onreadystatechange – is the original Firefox XMLHttpRequest object instance, since the code above works in the context of OAT

Posted in EN, OAT, OpenLink, Tech | 32 Comments »

It turns out Microsoft has javascript debugger for IE, but quess what…

April 4th, 2007 by lukav

Today I had to make an AJAX application iSPARQL compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer, at same point we decided to not support it, but now we realized that some small part of it can be supported. We don’t supported because IE doesn’t support embedded SVG… Anyway…

I’ve spend several hours trying to catch some errors of the sort: “object expected” or “object doesn’t support this method or property”. Have you seen those? Yes, the once that doesn’t give a clue which is the object and the lines usually has nothing to do with the reality. So finally I’ve decided to find a JS debugger that would tell me at least where the problem is. I didn’t have much hope, because I’ve spend time to search before and didn’t find anything to my taste that did the job, until I found this: MSE – Microsoft Script Editor

Thank you Erik for the wonderfull post.

It turns out Microsoft has a debug for their free browser in their payed Office package. Funny isn’t it. It turns out that developers that want to easy their life when writing JS for IE has to purchase at least MS Office.

It is not perfect, or even good, but it is the best I have seam so far and at least you get to actually see the row where the error occured or even execute step by step.

Anyway here is what Erik have posted (on my installation – Office 2003 Professional the exe was called MSE7.EXE):

MSE – Microsoft Script Editor

Microsoft Script Editor is probably one of the lesser known tools that can really make a difference when it comes to developing web applications. MSE is a debugger, much like Visual Studio and it comes bundled with Microsoft Office. It should not be mistaken for Microsoft Script Debugger which is a piece of crap compared to MSE. MSE got all the nice features Visual Studio has without the bloat.

MSE is installed at %ProgramFiles%/Microsoft Office/OFFICE11/MSE7.exe. Older versions might be installed at a slightly different location and if you cannot find it just search for mse. If you still cannot find it and you have an old Microsoft Office CD lying around you can install it from there. If you select custom install or add remove components it should be located under Microsoft Office / Office Tools / HTML Tools /Web Scripting / Web Debugging.

By default script debugging is disabled in IE but you can enable it by
unchecking Tools / Internet Options... / Advanced / Disable script
debugging (Internet Explorer).

So how do you use this mysterious tool? MSE allows you to debug exisiting IE processes but more importantly it is triggered by the debugger statement (which by the way also works if you have Venkman opened for Mozilla). If you already have IE up and running or you can’t edit the source files of the web application you can get into the debug mode by opening the Debug / Processes dialog and from there select the process to attach to.

Once in debugg mode you can step through the program to see what is going on. Out of the box not much is shown but things like local variables, watch, running documents, call stack and more is available to you under Debug / Window.

Posted in EN, Tech | No Comments »

OpenWRT Multi WAN How To

March 12th, 2007 by lukav


This is a simple how to make your openwrt work with more than one WAN. I’ve used these steps to make my ASUS WL-500G Premium work with 2 WANs where in my case I route specific IP ranges through the second interface. However the instruction can be used to setup load balancing although not so perfect. I’ve actually installed X-Wrt to begin with so I use webif2 interface to setup some of the things. I’ll try to describe those steps without webif2 using ssh, but I must stress that those would be my assumptions and if something doesn’t work you should refer to openwrt and xwrt pages and forums.

As a first step make sure you setup your primary WAN interface. Then we are going setup the second interface. Choose one of the LAN ports of your router and separate this port in a new vlan. In my case I’ve setup my 1-st port as vlan2.

webif2: Network/VLAN, click on “Add New VLAN” then deselect eNet1 from VLAN 0 row and select it on the VLAN 2 row, check Internal also on that row. Click Save and then Apply.

ssh: Execute

nvram set vlan0ports=2 3 4 5*

to remove the port from vlan2 and

nvram set vlan2ports=1 5

to add it in the new vlan, I guess you should also execute:

nvram set vlan2hwname=et0

Now we need to setup IP address and bring up the second interface.

webif2: you can use the System/NVRAM page to setup the NVRAM variables described below: ssh:

nvram set wan2_ifname=vlan2
nvram set wan2_proto=static
nvram set
nvram set
nvram set
nvram set ifup_interfaces="lan wan wan2 wifi"

The last line would make sure wan2 interface is broth up on restart. Let’s try

ifup wan2

now. If


show you vlan2 with the ip address you should be in business. Please note that you can use dhcp instead of static proto, but I haven’t tested this.
You can do

nvram commit

so your changes are saved.

Ok. Now we must make sure that requests on a certain interface are replied via the same interface. Detailed information can be found at
Check if the file /etc/iproute2/rt_tables exists and if not create it. Then put/add lines for the 2 interfaces in it:

mkdir /etc/iproute2
echo "201 WAN1" >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
echo "202 WAN2" >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables

I’ve setup a little script that will add all the necessary rules in the ip tables as described in lartc howto. It would also remove the extra default route added for the second interface by the S40network script. So just save the following as S45routing and put it in /etc/init.d so it gets executed after on boot. Make sure it is executable:


cat << EOF > /etc/init.d/S45routing

. /etc/
WAN1="$(nvram get wan_ifname)"
WAN1_IP="$(nvram get wan_ipaddr)"
WAN1_NETMASK="$(nvram get wan_netmask)"
WAN1_GETEWAY="$(nvram get wan_gateway)"

eval $( "$WAN1_IP" "$WAN1_NETMASK")

WAN2="$(nvram get wan2_ifname)"
WAN2_IP="$(nvram get wan2_ipaddr)"
WAN2_NETMASK="$(nvram get wan2_netmask)"
WAN2_GETEWAY="$(nvram get wan2_gateway)"

eval $( "$WAN2_IP" "$WAN2_NETMASK")

LAN="$(nvram get lan_ifname)"
LAN_IP="$(nvram get lan_ipaddr)"
LAN_NETMASK="$(nvram get lan_netmask)"

eval $( "$LAN_IP" "$LAN_NETMASK")

route del default gw $WAN2_GETEWAY

ip route flush table WAN1
ip route flush table WAN2
ip route del $WAN1_NETWORK/$WAN1_PREFIX dev $WAN1 src $WAN1_IP
ip route del $WAN2_NETWORK/$WAN2_PREFIX dev $WAN2 src $WAN2_IP
ip rule del from $WAN1_NETWORK/$WAN1_PREFIX table WAN1
ip rule del from $WAN2_NETWORK/$WAN2_PREFIX table WAN2

ip rule add from $WAN1_NETWORK/$WAN1_PREFIX table WAN1 prio 201
ip rule add from $WAN2_NETWORK/$WAN2_PREFIX table WAN2 prio 202

ip route add $WAN1_NETWORK/$WAN1_PREFIX dev $WAN1 src $WAN1_IP
ip route add $WAN2_NETWORK/$WAN2_PREFIX dev $WAN2 src $WAN2_IP

ip route add table WAN1 $WAN1_NETWORK/$WAN1_PREFIX dev $WAN1 src $WAN1_IP
ip route add table WAN1 $LAN_NETWORK/$LAN_PREFIX dev $LAN
ip route add table WAN1 dev lo
ip route add table WAN1 $WAN2_NETWORK/$WAN2_PREFIX dev $WAN2
ip route add table WAN1 default via $WAN1_GETEWAY dev $WAN1

ip route add table WAN2 $WAN2_NETWORK/$WAN2_PREFIX dev $WAN2 src $WAN2_IP
ip route add table WAN2 $LAN_NETWORK/$LAN_PREFIX dev $LAN
ip route add table WAN2 dev lo
ip route add table WAN2 $WAN1_NETWORK/$WAN1_PREFIX dev $WAN1
ip route add table WAN2 default via $WAN2_GETEWAY dev $WAN2

ip rule del table BG_ROUTES prio 220
ip rule add table BG_ROUTES prio 220

chmod +x /etc/init.d/S45routing

Execute the file or restart your router. At this point you should have 2 working WANs where they both reply on ping from external network. Now there are 2 approaches from here:

1: Setup load balancing by specifying multiple default routes. I’ll quote the LARTC on this:

quote: ”

The second question is how to balance traffic going out over the two providers. This is actually not hard if you already have set up split access as above.

Instead of choosing one of the two providers as your default route, you now set up the default route to be a multipath route. In the default kernel this will balance routes over the two providers. It is done as follows (once more building on the example in the section on split-access):

  ip route add default scope global nexthop via $P1 dev $IF1 weight 1
     nexthop via $P2 dev $IF2 weight 1

This will balance the routes over both providers. The weight parameters can be tweaked to favor one provider over the other.

Note that balancing will not be perfect, as it is route based, and routes are cached. This means that routes to often-used sites will always be over the same provider.

2: route specific range of ip via the second interface as me:

I’ll layout how I do it and you can tweak it as you like:

First add one more line in /etc/iproute2/rt_tables

echo "220 BG_ROUTES" >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables

Then I have 2 files in /etc/route directory:

mkdir /etc/route
touch /etc/route/bg_routes.txt

– those are the ip ranges that goes via the second interface

touch /etc/route/exc_bg_routes.txt

– those are the ranges that I want to be sure would go via the first. I do this becuase I get bg_routes.txt from a third party periodically.

Then I use those 2 scripts to populate the tables:

cat << EOF > /etc/route/
ip route flush table BG_ROUTES
chmod +x /etc/route/ (2007.04.01 – this script has been updated with the contribution from robert at irrelevant dot com)

cat << EOF > /etc/route/

WAN1="$(nvram get wan_ifname)"
WAN1_IP="$(nvram get wan_ipaddr)"
WAN1_NETMASK="$(nvram get wan_netmask)"
WAN1_GETEWAY="$(nvram get wan_gateway)"

WAN2="$(nvram get wan2_ifname)"
WAN2_IP="$(nvram get wan2_ipaddr)"
WAN2_NETMASK="$(nvram get wan2_netmask)"
WAN2_GETEWAY="$(nvram get wan2_gateway)"

ip route flush table BG_ROUTES

awk '{
       if (match($1,/^[0-9]/) && $1 != "" && $1 != "" && $1 != "" )
         print "ip route add table BG_ROUTES "$1" via '$WAN2_GETEWAY' dev '$WAN2'"
     }' /etc/route/bg_routes.txt | ash

awk '{ if (match($1,/^[0-9]/))
         print "ip route add table BG_ROUTES "$1" via '$WAN1_GETEWAY' dev '$WAN1'"
     }' /etc/route/exc_bg_routes.txt | ash
chmod +x /etc/route/

I have added /etc/route/ as a last line to the file S45routing so it gets executed at boot.

echo "/etc/route/" >> /etc/init.d/S45routing

Ok the last thing we need to do is to modify /etc/init.d/S35firewall so the firewall rules apply to both interfaces….

Here is my modified version: (It was been reported that this version is old so it would be better to make the changes by hand in your current version. In the beggining of the script add the lines that sets the variables WAN2 and WAN2DEV. Then follow the script line by line and whenever you see a rule for WAN, dublicate it for WAN2. Skip the rule MINIUPNPD)

last update of this file was:12.04.2007


## Please make changes in /etc/firewall.user

. /etc/
WAN="$(nvram get wan_ifname)"
WAN2="$(nvram get wan2_ifname)"
WANDEV="$(nvram get wan_device)"
WAN2DEV="$(nvram get wan2_device)"
LAN="$(nvram get lan_ifname)"

for T in filter nat; do
  iptables -t $T -F
  iptables -t $T -X

iptables -N input_rule
iptables -N input_wan
iptables -N output_rule
iptables -N forwarding_rule
iptables -N forwarding_wan

iptables -t nat -N NEW
iptables -t nat -N prerouting_wan
iptables -t nat -N prerouting_rule
iptables -t nat -N postrouting_rule

iptables -N LAN_ACCEPT
[ -z "$WAN" ] || iptables -A LAN_ACCEPT -i "$WAN" -j RETURN
[ -z "$WAN2" ] || iptables -A LAN_ACCEPT -i "$WAN2" -j RETURN
[ -z "$WANDEV" -o "$WANDEV" = "$WAN" ] || iptables -A LAN_ACCEPT -i "$WANDEV" -j RETURN
[ -z "$WAN2DEV" -o "$WAN2DEV" = "$WAN2" ] || iptables -A LAN_ACCEPT -i "$WAN2DEV" -j RETURN
iptables -A LAN_ACCEPT -j ACCEPT

###  (connections with the router as destination)

  # base case
  iptables -P INPUT DROP
  iptables -A INPUT -m state --state INVALID -j DROP
  iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
  iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN SYN --tcp-option ! 2 -j  DROP

  # insert accept rule or to jump to new accept-check table here
  iptables -A INPUT -j input_rule
  iptables -A INPUT -i $WAN -j input_wan
  iptables -A INPUT -i $WAN2 -j input_wan

  # allow
  iptables -A INPUT -j LAN_ACCEPT       # allow from lan/wifi interfaces
  iptables -A INPUT -p icmp     -j ACCEPT       # allow ICMP
  iptables -A INPUT -p gre      -j ACCEPT       # allow GRE

  # reject (what to do with anything not allowed earlier)
  iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
  iptables -A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable

### (connections with the router as source)

  # base case
  iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
  iptables -A OUTPUT -m state --state INVALID -j DROP
  iptables -A OUTPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

  # insert accept rule or to jump to new accept-check table here
  iptables -A OUTPUT -j output_rule

  # allow
  iptables -A OUTPUT -j ACCEPT          #allow everything out

  # reject (what to do with anything not allowed earlier)
  iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
  iptables -A OUTPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable

### (connections routed through the router)

  # base case
  iptables -P FORWARD DROP
  iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state INVALID -j DROP
  iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu
  iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

  # insert accept rule or to jump to new accept-check table here
  iptables -A FORWARD -j forwarding_rule
  iptables -A FORWARD -i $WAN -j forwarding_wan
  iptables -A FORWARD -i $WAN2 -j forwarding_wan

  # allow
  iptables -A FORWARD -i br0 -o br0 -j ACCEPT
  iptables -A FORWARD -i $LAN -o $WAN -j ACCEPT
  iptables -A FORWARD -i $LAN -o $WAN2 -j ACCEPT

  # reject (what to do with anything not allowed earlier)
  # uses the default -P DROP

### MASQ
  iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -m state --state NEW -p tcp -j NEW
  iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -j prerouting_rule
  iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $WAN -j prerouting_wan
  iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $WAN2 -j prerouting_wan

  iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j postrouting_rule
  iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $WAN -j MASQUERADE
  iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $WAN2 -j MASQUERADE

  iptables -t nat -A NEW -m limit --limit 50 --limit-burst 100 -j RETURN && 
        iptables -t nat -A NEW -j DROP

[ -f /etc/firewall.user ] && . /etc/firewall.user
[ -e /etc/config/firewall ] && {
        awk -f /usr/lib/common.awk -f /usr/lib/firewall.awk /etc/config/firewall | ash

So, that’s about it. I may have missed something or some parts may be inaccurate or unclear, but I’ll update this as feedback from you dear readers comes in.

Posted in EN, Tech, WL-500Gp | 21 Comments »