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Как да сложим кирилица на eeePC

January 2nd, 2008 by lukav

За тези от вас, който са си купили прекрасното eeePC, тези инструкции ще ви помогнат да си сложите кирилица.

Ако следвате инструкциите в края ще имате иконка в трея за индикация на кой език сте и ще сменяте между български и английски с комбинация на клавишите alt+shift.

ВНИМАНИЕ ! ! ! Ако не спазвате инструкциите точно, може eeePC-то да престане да стартира, при което ще трябва да си го преинсталирате от диск-а!

Ще използваме конзола за да променим някой файлове. За да си пуснем конзолата натискаме CTRL+ALT+T.

Като за начало трябва да спрем програмката scim, която върви по подразбиране с eeePC. В конзолата изпълнете следното:

sudo killall scim-panel-gtk
sudo killall scim-launcher

Update за 901: изпълнете sudo killall gcin

Сега трябва да деисталираме scim. Това става с командата:

sudo apt-get remove --purge scim*

Update за 901: изпълнете sudo apt-get remove –purge gcin*

Следваща стъпка е да настроим вградената функционалност на Xorg за превключване на кирилица:

sudo kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf

В редактора намерете секцията описваща клавиатурата (Section “InputDevices”- Identifier “keyboard”) и я направете да изглежда така:

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier  "keyboard"
	Driver      "kbd"
	Option	    "CoreKeyboard"
	Option	    "XkbRules" "xorg"
	Option	    "XkbLayout" "us,bg"
	Option	    "XkbVariant" ",phonetic"
	Option	    "XkbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle"

За любителите на BDS сменете “,phonetic” с “,bds”.
Запишете файла (ctrl+S) и затворете редактора.

Следваща стъпка е да си инсталираме индикатор за текущия режим:

sudo dpkg -i kkbswitch_1.4.3-3_i386.deb

Сега е необходимо да направим така, че kkbswitch се стартира всеки път. За целта създаваме нов файл, който ще се изпълнява след стартиране на Xorg:

sudo kwrite /etc/X11/Xsession.d/98x11-kkbswitch

Файла трябва да съдържа:

/usr/bin/kkbswitch &

не пропускайте “&” в края на реда!

Сега трябва да рестартирате eeePC-то и ако сте спазвали инструкциите докрай би трябвало да можете да пишете на кирилица, като превключвате с alt+shift.

В трея ще имате иконка, която ще се сменя между 1 и 2 при натискане на alt+shift.

Ако натиснете десен клавиш върху нея и изберете конфигуриране може да изберете иконки за English и Български.

Ако искате менютата в програмите да ви излизат на български. Изпълнете:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

Намерете bg_BG.UTF-8 и го активирайте. На следващия екран го изберете като “Default locale”.

Това е набързо написано описание и сигурно има и правописни грешки 🙁 . Но ще се опитам да го допълня и поправя с времето.

Posted in BG, Tech | 17 Comments »

IE css float print problem

August 28th, 2007 by lukav

The latest discovery on IE problems was that when you use float divs and you decide to print, IE either ignore the floats or to be more precise, if you don’t explicitly specify width it just expands them to 100%.

There are some posts on the network, but all of them suggest to not use floats when printing. However this was no good for me, cause I arranged my forms with css and no tables. The solution to fix the width of floats was also no good, since I have different internationalization and some text differ in length.

So since I couldn’t find any css solution I had to make a simple JS hack.

In turns out IE has two useful events – onbeforeprint and onafterprint. So I just used those to go over all my floating elements and set the width before printing:

// We try to fix printing styles because IE is has problems
if (OAT.Browser.isIE) {
 OAT.Event.attach(window,"beforeprint",function() {
 	var elm = IB.PageContent.getElementsByTagName('div');
 	for (var i=0;i<elm.length;i++)
 		if (OAT.Dom.isClass(elm[i],'right') || OAT.Dom.isClass(elm[i],'left')) {
 			var size = OAT.Dom.getWH(elm[i]);
 			elm[i].style.width = size[0] + 'px';

The example uses the OAT library, but you can guess what it does.

This fix works fine with the little exception that the divs move a little before print, but I can live with this for now.

Posted in EN, OAT, Tech | 2 Comments »

IT жени

June 15th, 2007 by lukav

Kak бихме класифицирали жените по класове в информационните технологии:

1. Интернет-жената: Трябва да платиш, за да получиш достъп до нея.
2. Сървър-жената: Винаги е заета, когато ти трябва.
3. Уиндоус-жената: Знаеш, че има много недостатъци, но не можеш да живееш без нея
4. Пауърпойнт-жената: Идеална е за представяне пред хората на празненства.
5. Ексел-жената: Казват, че можела много неща, но ти я използваш само за основните четири действия.
6.Уърд-жената: Отново и отново те изненадва и няма човек на света, който наистина да я разбира.
7. ДОС-жената: Всички вече са я имали, но сега никой не я иска.
8 . Бек-ъп-жената: Мислиш, че има всичко, но като опре до същественото, ти прави впечатление, че нещо й липсва.
9. Скан-диск-жената: Знаем,че върши добро и само иска да помогне, но по същество никой не знае, какво умее реално, и ако сме честни, ЛАЗИ НИ ПО НЕРВИТЕ!
10. Скрийн-сейвър-жената: Всъщност за нищо не върши работа, но ти харесва да я гледаш.
11. Хард-диск-жената: Спомня си всичко, по всяко време на деня и нощта.
12. Имейл-жената: От десетте неща, които ти разказва, 9 са абсолютни глупости.
13. Вирус-жената: Когато най-малко го очакваш, тя се инсталира в жилището ти и го завладява. Ако се опиташ да я деинсталираш, ще ти липсват много неща; ако не го направиш, ще загубиш всичко.

Posted in BG, Other | No Comments »

Joost review

May 7th, 2007 by lukav

Well, it seams my blog isn’t doing so well, since I didn’t get an invitation. However ware nice enough to send me one. Thank you very much.

So as I suspected the guys have done a pretty good job. Joost has a nice, simple and elegant interface, whitout the fuss of tons of options. I can describe it as “only what you need” interface, which are becoming widely used. It has some flaws, but they are more because of my preferences not of stupidity. I have to say the interface is pretty good. I’m almost jealous :).

As far as performance goes, I run it on my laptop hp nw8000 1.7 Mhz Intel Pentium with 1GB Ram. And it runs pretty smooth. There are some vary VARY small and rare delays, but I still can not determine if it is my PC speed or because of my ISP speed.

One thing that is missing are subtitles. People would like to have subtitles as with Divx movies. But this could be added pretty easily, I think. Someone can make a plugging that would allow playing user subtitles. That way the community could take care for the translation, timing and so on, where the content providers would continue to produce the main content. The translators can be rated, so the other users are able to choose the best translation from all.

As overall, so far I’m quite impressed and see great potential in this. For example: if anyone can become a content provider, young talents would be able to produce a program or movie, present it to a wide audience and collect the benefit without the stopper in the big networks chains.

Not to mention that it is quite nice to choose what you want to watch and to be able top pause at anytime.

Uraaa, no more waiting for the commercials to go to the bathroom 😉

Keep with the goos work guys.

P.S. If anyone wants an invitaion, post a comment.

Posted in EN | 3 Comments »

Бележки от началника към персонала

May 5th, 2007 by lukav

Първоизточник: Блогът на Жоро КодиновБележки от началника към персонала

  1. И аз съм понякога под голям натиск от по-горното ръководство – нещо което няма как да видите. Всичко с което ще направите моята работа по-лесна е добре дошло.
  2. Вашите интереси са важни, но не забравяйте че аз трябва да жонглирам с тревогите и чувствата на много други хора, включително и някои извън отдела.
  3. Най-често въобще не са ме обучавали преди да ме направят началник. Затова трябваше да се уча по метода на пробите и грешките. Това не е задължително лошо. Много от моите задължения могат да бъдат научени само от практиката.
  4. Ако сте ми били колега преди да стана началник, моля да разберете че ръководенето на бивши колеги е една от най-трудните задачи които могат да бъдат поставени на един началник. Вашата подкрепа е жизнено важна за мен.
  5. Ще правя грешки. Моля да ми отвърнете със същото разбиране с което очаквате аз да подхождам към вашите грешки.
  6. Ако направя нещо глупаво или съм на път да го направя, моле кажете ми. Не ми намеквайте – Кажете ми.
  7. Не обичам неприятни изненади. Споделете с мен лошите новини възможно най-рано. Имайте предвид че нещата които са очевидни за вас може да не са толкова очевидни за мен. От друга страна ще се изненадате като разберете колко бързо последните клюки стигат до ушите ми.
  8. Очаквам да поемате инициатива. Ако се допитвате до мен постоянно ще започна да се питам защо ми трябвате въобще.
  9. Моля да питате ако не знаете какво да правите. Но не е добре да трябва да ви казвам едно и също нещо отново и отново.
  10. Нека не си губим времето един на друг. И вие и аз си имаме работа за вършене и колкото по-малко се откъсваме един друг от нея толкова по-щастливи ще бъдем.
  11. Не бива моите изисквания за постигане на целите и резултатите да ви довеждат до неетично поведение. Винаги имате моето разрешение да сте етични.
  12. Ако вие или аз имаме проблем с работата на другия нека да седнем и да го осъдим.

Posted in BG, Other, Soul | No Comments »

Joost Invitation, please – or – how is my blog doing.

May 5th, 2007 by lukav

Hi all,

Today my colleague and partner turned my attention to the next service from the founders of Skype called Joost. It sounds very interesting and shows how “the network” is slowly overtaking the “the networks”. By this I mean that each day I find that people are using the Internet for staff that they thought are only available by other means. For example before 7-8 years the source for reliable information was the newspaper or TV. Today the Internet Network is not considered less reliable source and is perfectly normal to say “I found on the net” or “I read in the Internet”.

I see the future where TV, video and radio are only both for convenience not for necessity. If my parents bought а TV so they can stay informed and up to date – they spare the money on computer because ‘their boy (me)” was interest in that new thing. IMO lets say in 5 years time parents will buy a computer so they can stay up to date – Watch TV, read articles and books listen to the radio etc and would buy a TV just to make it more easy and to get the kid off the PC.

So the revolution that started 10 years ago have not yet finished and there are things yet to see and come.

I’m very excited to try out joost, but I need someone to send me invitation. So if you read this and you have one please PLEASE send it to me.

If I actually get one by this blog, then my blog is not doing so bad 😉

Posted in EN, Other, Tech | 3 Comments »

Test a page in various browsers.

April 24th, 2007 by lukav

There is a very interesting service out there:

It makes a screenshot of a page with various browsers like: Dillo 0.8, Epiphany 2.14, Epiphany 2.16, Firebird 0.6, Firebird 0.7, Firefox 1.0, Firefox 1.5, Firefox 2.0, Firefox 3.0, Flock 0.7, Galeon 2.0, Iceweasel 2.0, Konqueror 3.5, Mozilla 1.0, Mozilla 1.1, Mozilla 1.2, Mozilla 1.3, Mozilla 1.4, Mozilla 1.5, Mozilla 1.6, Mozilla 1.7, Navigator 4.8, Opera 9.2, Opera 9.10, Phoenix 0.1, Phoenix 0.2, Phoenix 0.3, Phoenix 0.4, Phoenix 0.5, SeaMonkey 1.0, SeaMonkey 1.1, Windows MSIE 5.0, MSIE 5.5, MSIE 6.0, MSIE 7.0.

Great idea and a vary usefull one.

I’ve test it with my blog you can have a look here:

Posted in EN, Tech | No Comments »

Multiple IE on a single machine

April 24th, 2007 by lukav

Hi, I’ve been using a Virtual machine for some time now to test with IE6 (Microsoft Internet Explorer) and IE7. However this machine was taking valuable resources just to have IE6 running, which was very inefficient. So I’ve look for another solution and found it.

Thank you. THANK you vary VARY much. TredoSoft.

They made an installer that installs IE versions: 3.0, 4.01, 5.01, 5.5 and 6.0 (by the time of this writing) on a single PC as a standalone app.

So far it works like a charm.

Posted in EN, Tech | No Comments »

Firefox firebug and synchronos calls problem

April 12th, 2007 by lukav

For those of you that have discovered that when you have Firebug installed and are developing some synchronous XMLHttpRequest everything works, and when you disable it it stops: here is the problem.

Believe it or not it is a bug in Firefox NOT in Firebug. It turns out that Firefox doesn’t call onreadystatechange when the you set the 3 parameter (async) to false in open. Probably FF expects that when a call is synchronous the developer will process the result in the lines following the send call. May be this make sense, but if you want to quickly test async/sync calls or use a library that doesn’t take care of this, you be in trouble.

I can say for certain (I’ve committed the code myself) that the next release of OpenLink AJAX Toolkit won’t have this problem and will make no difference if you have Firebug or not.

I use the following to catch the situation where Firebug is not installed or is installed but disabled:

if (OAT.Browser.isGecko)
  try {
    if (!xhr.options.async && xhr.obj.onreadystatechange == null) {
  } catch (e) {
    if ((e.message && e.message == 'Permission denied to create wrapper for object of class UnnamedClass') ||
         e == 'Permission denied to create wrapper for object of class UnnamedClass')

OAT.Dom.isGecko() – return true if it mozilla and derivatives
OAT.AJAX.response – is the function that is normally called when the request finish.
xhr.options.async – is holding if the call is async or not
xhr.obj.onreadystatechange – is the original Firefox XMLHttpRequest object instance, since the code above works in the context of OAT

Posted in EN, OAT, OpenLink, Tech | 32 Comments »

It turns out Microsoft has javascript debugger for IE, but quess what…

April 4th, 2007 by lukav

Today I had to make an AJAX application iSPARQL compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer, at same point we decided to not support it, but now we realized that some small part of it can be supported. We don’t supported because IE doesn’t support embedded SVG… Anyway…

I’ve spend several hours trying to catch some errors of the sort: “object expected” or “object doesn’t support this method or property”. Have you seen those? Yes, the once that doesn’t give a clue which is the object and the lines usually has nothing to do with the reality. So finally I’ve decided to find a JS debugger that would tell me at least where the problem is. I didn’t have much hope, because I’ve spend time to search before and didn’t find anything to my taste that did the job, until I found this: MSE – Microsoft Script Editor

Thank you Erik for the wonderfull post.

It turns out Microsoft has a debug for their free browser in their payed Office package. Funny isn’t it. It turns out that developers that want to easy their life when writing JS for IE has to purchase at least MS Office.

It is not perfect, or even good, but it is the best I have seam so far and at least you get to actually see the row where the error occured or even execute step by step.

Anyway here is what Erik have posted (on my installation – Office 2003 Professional the exe was called MSE7.EXE):

MSE – Microsoft Script Editor

Microsoft Script Editor is probably one of the lesser known tools that can really make a difference when it comes to developing web applications. MSE is a debugger, much like Visual Studio and it comes bundled with Microsoft Office. It should not be mistaken for Microsoft Script Debugger which is a piece of crap compared to MSE. MSE got all the nice features Visual Studio has without the bloat.

MSE is installed at %ProgramFiles%/Microsoft Office/OFFICE11/MSE7.exe. Older versions might be installed at a slightly different location and if you cannot find it just search for mse. If you still cannot find it and you have an old Microsoft Office CD lying around you can install it from there. If you select custom install or add remove components it should be located under Microsoft Office / Office Tools / HTML Tools /Web Scripting / Web Debugging.

By default script debugging is disabled in IE but you can enable it by
unchecking Tools / Internet Options... / Advanced / Disable script
debugging (Internet Explorer).

So how do you use this mysterious tool? MSE allows you to debug exisiting IE processes but more importantly it is triggered by the debugger statement (which by the way also works if you have Venkman opened for Mozilla). If you already have IE up and running or you can’t edit the source files of the web application you can get into the debug mode by opening the Debug / Processes dialog and from there select the process to attach to.

Once in debugg mode you can step through the program to see what is going on. Out of the box not much is shown but things like local variables, watch, running documents, call stack and more is available to you under Debug / Window.

Posted in EN, Tech | No Comments »

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